Help your pet feel safer and more secure by checking out our top tips for moving with your furry family members.
Talk to Your Vet
You want to make relocating as easy as possible on your pet, and your vet will be able to provide you with information about how to do this. Whether your pet needs medication or behavior modification techniques, your vet can offer specific suggestions to reduce stress on your pet as you transition into a new home.
While you’re with your vet, make sure you request medical records and information that your new vet will need.
Pack Your Belongings Gradually
With all of the things on your to-do list, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and leave packing to the last minute. A sudden flurry of activity is likely to make your pet anxious, so try to pack your home little by little in the weeks preceding your move. Not only will this help your pet feel more secure, but you can be sure that your items will be packed thoughtfully and carefully instead of just haphazardly thrown in boxes because you were in a rush.
Find a Pet Sitter for Moving Day
Even if your pet isn’t prone to running out the door, moving day is too chaotic to have them in your home. Ask a friend or family member, find a doggy day care, or board your pet with your vet for the day of your move. This way, you and your residential movers will be able to come and go freely, and your pet will enjoy their time rather than being stressed out over all the new people and activity.
Give Your Pet Time to Adjust
It’s natural to assume your pet wants to run around and explore every inch of your new home after being cooped up during travel. You know your pet best, and some cats and dogs love roaming through new areas. Some animals, however, find so much new space stressful and it’s best to set up a “home base” in a room or two and gradually introduce them to their new environment.
Keep food, water, toys, blankets, and any other items that help your pet feel comfortable in these rooms and as time passes, begin to spread their belongings out so they can explore more of their home.
Want more tips on how to have a stress-free move? Get in touch with Coleman Worldwide Moving today to learn more about our comprehensive services and how we can help you and your pets enjoy the moving experience. Call or fill out our online quote form to request your no-cost, no-obligation estimate.