Even the best parents in the world would agree that kids can make certain things more challenging. The younger they are, the more difficult it can be to do things that used to be easy—like dining out, going to the movies, or even just taking a shower.

Moving into a new home is at the top of the list of the most complicated tasks to complete with kids. Relocation is usually difficult under the easiest of circumstances, which is why moving can be such an intimidating prospect for households with children.

At Coleman American Moving Services, we’re dedicated to our mission of making relocation easier across the board—whether you’re a single-person moving into a small, one-bedroom apartment, a giant company relocating its employees overseas. or parents making a household move with their children. In this article, find out how to make your relocation as easy as possible by following our top tips for organizing the perfect family move.

Plan Ahead and Stay on Schedule

The most stressful moving experiences are those that are unplanned and unorganized, or that leave everything to the very last minute. The best moves, in contrast, are planned ahead and scheduled over a period of weeks leading up to the move. With kids, planning ahead and sticking to a schedule is even more important.

The ideal move is planned out at least two or three months in advance, or longer if possible. Try and organize your move as early on as you can, and get the family involved in the planning process early as well. Create a moving plan that specifies important dates, tasks, and deadlines assigned to each member of the family. Stick to the schedule and make sure every point is followed to skip the last-minute stress and chaos of an unplanned move.

Create an Inventory for Each Child

Older children should be responsible for creating a list of everything they own and will be taking with them to the new house. Inventory should be taken of all of your belongings, but children that can read, write, and count tend to love doing this with their own items. Inventory of your belongings is important for keeping track of your things and can help make the process much smoother for you and for your movers.

Personalize Packing Materials for the Kids

Buy colored duct tape to differentiate boxes according to family members. Assign a color code to each child, and have them decorate their boxes with the tape, or with colored markers to easily identify which box goes where on moving day. Movers appreciate this as it helps to facilitate the unpacking process when it’s time to move into your new home.

Sign the Kids Up for Activities in the New Area Before Moving

If your kids are feeling anxious about the move, signing them up for fun activities in their new town or city can help them adjust faster to the new environment. If your move is during the summer, look up kids day camps, college for kids programs, or other workshops or sports classes in your area that kids can attend while out of school. This will give them something to do immediately after arriving in the new house, and can even help them to make friends before school starts.

Settling In: Making the First Night Fun

One of the best ways to create great memories that the kids will remember forever is to celebrate on your first night in the new house. This doesn’t have to be a complicated celebration at all. Think pizza, a movie, board games, and a sleepover on the floor with blankets and pillows. If you’re not too tired, you can also plan to go out to a nearby restaurant for dinner—kids choice, of course.

If you’d like more tips on dealing with your family’s move, or to learn more about our team at Coleman American Moving Services, we’d love to hear from you. Give us a call to speak with one of our friendly moving coordinators over the phone, and we’ll be happy to fill you in on ways to make your moving process a whole lot easier. You can also fill out our online form if you’d like to receive information on how to schedule a free, in-home price quote and consultation with one of our moving experts.