Every year, Americans are greeted outside of various businesses or local events by a group of smiling faces that are ready to satisfy one's sweet tooth. The mere sight of these tasty treats is enough to challenge many New Year's Resolutions to maintain a better diet. For many communities, sometime between January and April marks the time when Girl Scout Troops flood the area with tasty cookie varieties such as Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, Lemonades, along with other varieties. Recently, Coleman Worldwide Moving's location in Valparaiso, a Florida Gulf-Coast Moving Company, helped the local Girl Scout Troop distribute to parents and scouts throughout the area. The cookies were delivered to Coleman's Warehouse and were placed out for collection by area troops to offer the cookies to many residents and guests along the Destin, Fort Walton Beach, and 30A areas of the Gulf Coast.
This year is a special year for the sale of Girl Scout Cookies because it marks the 100th anniversary of the first recorded cookie sale by a Girl Scout troop, an annual sale that was started to assist with funding scout troops and various service projects performed and promoted by the Girl Scout. For more information on the sweet, sugar-filled history of Girl Scout Cookies visit:
Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookie Image Pictured Above Taken by Flickr User @AmyLovesYah