Moving can get
expensive, that’s why we wanted to offer you some ways to save money before you
move. You may not think about taking a trip to the dollar store before or after
you move, but you’ll definitely be happy that you did.
Sharpie Markers
Markers are a must-have when moving. Even if you aren’t packing yourself, having markers to label boxes is always very critical. If you want to be extremely organized you can even buy multiple colors and give each room in your new house a color – that way your movers will know where each box will go based on the color-coding system.
On moving day and beyond, organizational totes will be crucial in keeping you organized. Think about buying a special tote for moving day that will include the things you’ll need to keep with you. Things like important papers, medicine, keys, wallet, jewelry, etc. Also, a “first night in your home” tote is a good idea so you can quickly get settled. Things like sheets, bedding, toiletries, towels, snacks, water and cleaning supplies will be things you’ll want to access quickly.
Cleaning Supplies
You might be surprised to see how much you could save on cleaning supplies at The Dollar Store. Whether you’re cleaning your new or old home, cleaning supplies will be needed. Stock up at the dollar store and you will save some money in the long run.
Trash Bags
As you clean out your old home, you’ll definitely have a lot of trash or items that need to be donated. Grab extra trash bags so you have a way to dispose of the things that you don’t need. You can also use trash bags to keep hanging clothes organized, if you plan on driving them to your new home.
Paper Plates
During a big transition, you won’t have time for dishes. Grab some paper plates and disposable silverware until you have your new kitchen in order.
We hope these tips will help you save some time and money on your upcoming move. And, as always, if you need help, advice or a free moving quote give Coleman a call or visit us online.
- Tags:
- moving preparation