Moving brings plenty of financial burden. Closing costs. Moving expenses. Eating out because you packed up the kitchen and no longer have a dining room table! It’s easy to start shelling out the bills when moving time comes, but there are also some ways you can save a bit of money. Here’s a few tips on being thrifty before, during, and after your move to Houston.
Plan out meals. Sure, maybe you can’t make a full multi-course meal every night before the move, but you don’t have to eat out either. Go to the grocery store and find some quick-fix meals that you can make in a pinch, it might save you several hundred dollars in money eating out.
Plan a moving budget, and stick to it. You don’t need to get overwhelmed by the costs involved in moving as long as you’ve done your homework on the front end. Sit down and write out all the known expenses, and get your realtor’s advice on what’s reasonable. Plan out how much you’re going to spend, and then don’t splurge outside of your budget.Go DIY on renovations. When it comes to home renovations, there are a lot of things you can cover yourself. Stripping off wallpaper and painting walls, for instance, most folks can handle. Even changing out the flooring is easier than you might think, and you’ve probably got some experienced friends that are willing to help. Put out the word to friends or through Facebook that you’re willing to buy dinner for some friendly labor, and you might be surprised with how much help you might get!